Thursday, May 31, 2007


(Gambar ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan entry dibawah, yang masih hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia.... Hikss!!)

Hye uol's.... Hari ni Mouriey's tak nak membebel banyak2... Just nak kongsi ilmu pasal istilah FOBIA (PHOBIA). Mesti uol's pernah dengarkan istilah ni... FOBIA ni bermaksud ketakutan terhadap sesuatu. Mungkin boleh jadi terlampau takut. Cam Mouriey's ni... hehehe malu ah nak cakap... Mouriey's fobia kat tempat tinggi.... gayat! Jugak fobia kat LIPAS, LABAH2, KABBO (kumbang lerr... espcially yang besor, yang ada tanduk, kaler pelik2... Ya Allah, geli + takut....) dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Ni dinamakan.... Err uol's carik sendirik laa eek dalam senarai kat bawah ni... Mesti uol's pon ada fobia kat somethin' kan?? Hehehehe....

Mouriey's kejer sekerat ari ari nih... Baju pon tak packing lagi nih... Balik siapkan apa yang patut..... Petang ni dah nak bertolak ke Kuantan. InsyaAllah kita jumpa lagi hari Isnin nanti.... Take care uol's. Buhbye....

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
- Fear of heights.
Autophobia - Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Bathophobia - Fear of depth.
Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia - Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
Climacophobia - Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.
Cymophobia or Kymophobia - Fear of waves or wave like motions.
Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents.
Eisoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.
Electrophobia - Fear of electricity.
Galeophobia or Gatophobia - Fear of cats.
Gamophobia - Fear of marriage.
Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia - Fear of blood.
Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
Insectophobia - Fear of insects.
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals.
Nyctohylophobia - Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night
Odontophobia - Fear of teeth or dental surgery.
Pharmacophobia - Fear of taking medicine.
Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts.
Philemaphobia or Philematophobia - Fear of kissing.
Philophobia - Fear of falling in love or being in love.
Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.
Snakephobia - Fear of snakes. (Ophidiophobia)
Spectrophobia - Fear of specters or ghosts
Suriphobia - Fear of mice.
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia - Fear of death or dying.
Tomophobia - Fear of surgical operations.
Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder.
Topophobia - Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright.
Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.


  1. Hmm kalau fear of exam tu ape lak name nye?

  2. btul tu zeleo...

    mourieys, apa name ek fear of axam?

  3. alerr nat, zaleo.. mouriey's kureng pasti ler. mungkin examophobia kot?? hikss!! - rekaan mouriey's semulut-mulut..hehehe

